Theresa is the Project Coordinator for the Montana DeafBlind Project, based in Miles City Montana. She has worked as an assistive technology consultant for MonTECH and Project Coordinator for the Pre-Employment Transition Services Technical Assistance Center at the Rural Institute. She is a parent of six children, including a son with a disability. She began her work in the disability field due to her need to understand information and systems that would directly impact her son who is now a young adult. His need for assistive technology including systems for communication created opportunities to learn and share. Transition was a particularly impacting period of time and has remained an area of focused interest. Theresa’s belief that “knowledge is power” has directed her areas of employment in the disability field. Over the last 25 years, she has worked to impact and develop relationships with the program and services which support individuals with a disability throughout their lives. She has worked for PLUK, Parents Let’s Unite for Kids, and was a member of the Leadership Team. As a parent, she serves on the Disability Rights of Montana Board of Directors. Theresa has been a member of the Rural Institute Consumer Advisory Council since 2010 and has presented at numerous conferences and webinars as a Council member.